Friday, August 21, 2009

Online Thrift and Consignment Store

Another busy week for us here, as I think you'll figure out as you read on. We were first contacted by a woman in Canada that designs earrings and who wanted to add her collection to the site. She doesn't have a digital camera so she's shipping her collection to us, which she can do under our alternative consignment rules. We'll let you know as soon as they arrive.

On the same day, I was contacted by another woman who is also sending me her items to sell. Again, I haven't seen photographs; however, her items are brand new and from a store she recently closed. She sent me a list of the items so I know a little bit from the descriptions and I'm really excited about receiving this merchandise! Perfect timing too with the holidays coming up.
We also took in on consignment this week a Bill Levkoff bridesmaid dress. This dress was previously worn once, and is still like new. The photos of the dress are from the designer as well as from the wedding where the dress was worn. It's a European satin strapless, in a size 2, and is pink with a platinum sash and trim. The dress was not altered. As with most of Levkoff's dresses, this one can do double duty as a cocktail or party dress. Priced at only $45.00 compared to $150 new. Bill Levkoff Style# 271.

We have you covered this Halloween with the addition of some, too cute for words, Department 56 decorations. In keeping with the holiday theme, we have Christmas ornaments from Department 56 that are just as adorable. For example the snowman pictured is dressed as a firefighter. The Halloween and Christmas ornaments are new, not used. They are also priced even below what you can buy them for on eBay.

We have two new hand crafted quilts that were consigned to us this week as well. One is called Pretty Dresses and is perfect for a girls room; young or old, and the other one is holiday themed. The photo is a blow up of one of the dresses in Pretty Dresses. Both quilts are made of quality fabrics, machine pieced, appliquéd, and quilted. They have also been pre-washed for quality assurance.

We have a customer request:

"Hello I am looking for Cracker Barrel Old country store, Paden City Artworks jugs. They have the store name on it. They can be salt and pepper shaker or other knicknacks. Thank you." If you can be of help please email us here

Meet the Parents Realty

Remember the wedding gown we listed last week? Well I'm excited to say it sold in just one week! I honestly did not think it would sell that quickly and was at first reluctant to take the dress in on consignment. I just didn't want the owner to suffer yet another disappointment if it did not sell as quickly as she needed.

Once it was decided to put the dress on the site I had to ask myself a hundred times what happened that she was selling her unworn wedding gown. Yet no matter how much I wanted to know, I could never bring myself to ask. I instead made up scenarios in my mind going from a breakup to a tragedy and unfortunately those scenarios are what I'm left with. Besides, I could start thinking about who would end up buying the dress and why.
I pretty much determined it would be someone who had seen it at the store for the retail price, and then when she found the same dress on our site, she couldn't it pass up. Who could pass up our lower price even if you had to say you bought it at a thrift/consignment store? Anyway, that wasn't the story at all. Our buyer was a desperate girl who is getting married in two weeks (one week now) and had already bought the dress once only to have it destroyed.

So there I was once again trying to figure out what happened with a dress. Only this time I wasn't going to end up with scenarios I dreamed up; I was going to ask her. We spoke on the phone prior to her actually buying the dress and I asked her point blank what happened. Of course I already knew the answer. She was going to tell me about this horrible hurricane, or tornado or perhaps a fire that ravaged her home and destroyed it. HA! I don't know the details, but what I envisioned when she told me was a scene from Meet the Parents. The one where the 'fake' cat went crazy in the den and destroyed all the wedding plates and then peed on the wedding dress?
Well, after telling me her cat destroyed it and me trying not to laugh because I was honestly remembering the movie scene, all she said was, "I should kill the cat." Really?

I sincerely wish both the buyer and the seller of the wedding dress much future happiness.

1 comment:

Eve said...

All so tantalizing! Hope to see some vintage clothes in size 12...